A Few Big Ideas, Quotes & Questions

From Q2 2022

Good afternoon, friend.

Last week, I mentioned that I recently took a new job with a vertical farming start-up called Gardyn. While I'm excited to share more about it, the first few weeks have felt like I'm drinking from a firehouse. So, I'm gonna take some time to process and explain more when the time feels right.

This brings us to today's newsletter, which is gonna be a quick one.

At the end of each quarter, I reflect on the biggest wins & lessons from the period. Meaning, yesterday, I spent a few hours looking through my planner for the last three months and recording what was most meaningful.

So here is a collection of what came up - specifically:

  • 5 Ideas from Julia Cameron's "The Artists Way"

  • 4 Quotes with Powerful Lessons

  • 3 Journaling Questions for Big Insights

  • 2 YouTube Videos with Important Messages

5 Ideas from Julia Cameron’s "The Artist’s Way"

Julia Cameron describes this book as "a course in discovering and recovering your creative self."

The foundational idea of the book is that at our core, we're all artists.

We're all born with an inherent desire to create, build, and explore.

But the world we live in has trained us to look for more "practical" skillsets and ways of spending our time.

Throughout the book, Cameron outlines a 12-week "creative unblocking" process, in which readers learn to reconnect to their inner artist and create authentically. Her writing combines spirituality & creativity in a way that is both captivating & compelling.

I'm only halfway through the course, but have already benefitted in a number of ways. So here are a few of my favorite lessons so far.

"Creativity is the natural order of life. Life is energy: pure creative energy."

"Leap and the net will appear."

"We often resist what we most need."

"Your healing is the greatest message of hope for others.

4 Quotes with Powerful Lessons

“A discovery is said to be an accident meeting prepared mind.” Albert Szent-Gyorigyi

“A genius is one who is most like himself.” Thelonious Monk

“We’re all one question away from a completely different life.” Marc Champagne

"The only response to outrageous pain is outrageous love." Marc Gafni

3 Journaling Questions for Big Insights

How might I access more joy?

Where am I withholding?

What am I pretending to not know?

2 YouTube Videos with Important Messages

And that’s everything for this week. Short & Sweet.

I appreciate you reading and hope you have a great rest of your week.

With Gratitude,
