My Favorite Question to Ask

When Making a Big Decision

Good afternoon - can you believe we're already halfway through June?

Time is absolutely flying, so I wanted to share a quick question that I’ve been leaning into the last few weeks.

If you were writing your memoir, what would the main character do next?

When we're making a big decision, it's simply impossible to predict all of the consequences that our choice will create. The main outcomes may be obvious, but there are always subtle impacts that float beneath the surface.

That's why I have found it most helpful to zoom out and ask questions.

Asking questions can build a better understanding of what’s right for us & our circumstances.

Taking a step back and looking at our lives at a higher level clarifies what is important. The complex and often meaningless details dissolve.

I don't know about you, but life for me recently has been feeling pretty heavy.

Nonetheless, last week, I made the biggest decision of my life.

It’s too early to share details, but it was a difficult one. One that flew in the face of logic and everything I had thought to be true. I was nervous. Self-critical. Scared.

A friend even told me making this choice was "sorta crazy."

Maybe it is. But I felt a deep intuitive call that I had to follow.

Thankfully, this question gave me the clarity I needed to walk confidently into this new chapter.

In the words of Muhammad Ali, “Once the decision is made, do not look back, do not second guess your decisions.” 

I'll share more of the experience, once I know more, but this newsletter isn't about me or my decisions. It's about you, dear Reader.

According to Psychology Today, we make on average 35,000 decisions each day.

Thinking about this fact, as well as the numerous details that tend to surround each decision can become daunting and even overwhelming.

And that's why I love this question so much -  it provides high-level navigation toward the life that we're hoping to create.

So I'd encourage you to follow the advice of the great leader & peace-maker,  Nelson Mandela, "May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.”

If you were writing your memoir, what would the main character do next?

This week, go do that thing.

Quotes I'm Pondering:

“I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.” Richard Feynmann

"Look and you will find it— what is unsought will go undetected. Sophocles

A Movie Worth Watching

This past weekend, I watched the new Adam Sandler movie, Hustle, that just dropped on Netflix. In its first week out to the public, it’s gotten glowing reviews, including a 92% on Rotten Tomatoes.

For a Philadelphia sports lover and long-time Sandler fan, this one is an absolute home run. Sports fan or not, add it to your To-Watch List - it will go down with Rocky and Invincible in the Philly record books.

2 New Songs from 2 Good Friends:

Mark Savidge of Indigo Out just dropped an indie-pop song called, "Just What Is."

It features a summery guitar hook and some profoundly moving lyrics. Plus, it was "inspired by coffee & meditation" - two of the best things, in my opinion.

Take a listen & show some love. 

Anwar Ahmed, known musically as Anweezy, just released a beautiful instrumental collaboration with Beautiful Beats. California vibes, cover art & all.

That's everything for this week. Hope you have a great one.

With Gratitude, 
