Doing Less, More Often

my new approach to the newsletter & life

Hey - I hope you’re well.

I’ve realized that my last 3 newsletters have been lengthy - averaging over 1,100+ words.

Google tells me that takes 10 minutes to read on average. Yikes.

That’s quite the commitment, so if you’ve been keeping up, thank you.

And if you’re just tuning in today, welcome!

This one’s gonna be brief and (hopefully) impactful.

I’m noticing a common pattern in many of the things I pursue:

Initial Motivation

→ Enthusiastic Pursuit

→ Inevitable Challenge

→ Adaptation until Overwhelm

→ Abandonment

→ Boredom

Then the cycle starts again.

Sound familiar?

In my experience, this often looks like: getting excited about an idea, biting off more than I can chew, becoming overwhelmed, and then abandoning ship.

So here’s my new approach:

Doing Less x More Often

I’m committing to shorter, more frequent newsletters, and making time for the things that matter: writing, yoga, connecting with friends/family, reflecting, and meditating.

These are the practices that nourish me, yet I often delay them due to perceived time or energy constraints.

So here’s do doing less, more consistently.

I hope you join me.

Thanks for reading.

With Gratitude,


PS. Since we just finished July, here’s a few of my favorite songs that dropped this month.

Music of the Month