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Spring into Action
Overcoming the Law of Diminishing Intent
Hey - happy March 1.
With Spring around the corner, it feels like a good time to explore something that seems to be on the minds of many right now: establishing healthy habits.
I’ve written previously about what we get wrong about habits, but today, we’re going to talk about what we can do right.
Specifically, how we can overcome the “Law of Diminishing Intent.”
Let’s dive in.
The Law of Diminishing Intent
The Law of Diminishing Intent states:
the longer you wait to take action, the less likely you will be to take it.
Initially coined by Jim Rohn and later popularized by John Maxwell, the Law of Diminishing Intent posits that we have about 48 hours to first take action on an idea.
After that period, it becomes more & more unlikely that we pursue that idea or vision.
Put simply: initial motivation diminishes over time if not followed by immediate action.

The Law of Diminishing Intent. Source: michaelhyatt.com/leap-principle/
Applying this Law to Life
In the Spring of 2021, I took part in a men’s group and had an incredible experience.
I loved learning, sharing, and connecting with peers each week. (& I even made a great friend, Tommy - who’s photography & podcast are dope).
As soon as I finished the program, I had the feeling, “community is important.”
I knew in my soul that I need more of it. Yet, I did nothing about it.
Year-after-year, “establishing community” showed up on my New Year’s intention lists, but my inaction lead to an absence of progress.
Now, fast forward three years, and I have taken the steps to cultivate community.
The altMBA program I participated in gifted several new acquaintances
A friend put together a “spiritual studio” group where we discuss what we’re learning about and/or struggling with
The Ultimate Frisbee league I belong to begins again in just a few weeks (and my ankle/knee is healed after a winter recovery process.)
All this is to say that 1) I’m incredibly grateful and 2) I recognize this process would have been WAY easier had I taken action immediately following the men’s group back in 2021.
The longer we wait to make something happen, the harder it becomes.
So - what is an idea you’ve been thinking about for awhile?
What is the smallest action you could take, tomorrow, that will bring you closer to that overall goal or vision?
Remember: even the smallest steps count.
How to put this into practice
Say you want to become a mindful or active person.
(because you’ve heard that identity-based habits are by far the most effective).
This might mean that you meditate 20 minutes daily or lift weight 4 times per week.
But that might sound intimidating or time-intensive, especially if you’re doing neither at the moment.
So how could you make this easier?
How might you create an action that you could start tomorrow? Or even right now?
Maybe it’s meditating for 3 minutes a day. Or lifting weights once a week.
Whatever it is - you have the power to choose.
Just make it small. And begin.
Momentum - a mysterious & powerful force - builds from there.
3 Quotes about this idea
"The secret of getting ahead is getting started." (Mark Twain)
“Ready is not a feeling, it’s a decision.” (Preston Smiles)
“Mood follows action.” (Rich Roll)
& 1 App to help
James Clear’s new app, Atoms, is something special.
Drawing from the insights of his best-selling book, Atomic Habits, this app offers a comprehensive approach to building good habits & breaking bad ones.
In my first week using Atoms, I’m thoroughly impressed with its intuitive interface & effective systems. Check it out below.
Thank you for reading
What habit are you committing to as we head into springtime?
Would love to hear from you and always appreciate your attention.
Wishing you a great one ahead.
With gratitude,