Unlock Your Focus with Brain.FM

My Secret Weapon for Productivity

Hey - welcome back to the newsletter.

Focusing used to be a real struggle for me.

Back in 6th grade, for example, my science teacher used to throw erasers at me anytime I fell asleep in the front row of his class.

This happened more times than I’m proud to admit.

Despite my best efforts to pay attention, some mixture of exhaustion, inflammation, disinterest, & distraction kept me from doing so. (& this was pre-iPhone, mind you).

Now, with the rise of technology & social media, distraction is only more widespread.

Trouble focusing is no longer a unique experience, but rather a symptom of our dopamine-driven society.

So as we progress into a more technologically evolved society, focus will be an increasingly valuable skill. A superpower, even.

Over the years, I’ve cultivated the ability to access flow states with regularity.

This has taken loads of reading & experimentation, so today, I’m going to share the tool that’s made the biggest difference in focus for me.

It’s what I’m listening to right now as I write this - & probably what I’ll still have on when you’re reading this.

Brain.FM is a science-backed music company.

From what I understand so far, this means that it uses neuroscience research to create music that will shift your brain state.

Whether you’re trying to focus, meditate, sleep, or all three - Brain.FM has customized channels for each state, as well as specific preferences for every person.

I’m a big believer in letting companies cast their vision, so here are a few screenshots directly from their website that describe the service.

If you’re interested in learning more, I’d recommend checking out the articles below, or even better - actually trying it for yourself.

The link above gets you 30 days of access - free of charge.

Thank you for Reading

Let me know if you get a chance to try it out.

See you next week.
