Wrapping Up Summer 2023

Reflecting on Moments, Wins, Lessons & More

Hey - hope you had a great Labor Day Weekend.

Since LDW marks the end of summer, I wanted to share a reflection newsletter– one that serves as a practice for myself & a template for you.

This can be applied to any season of life, but I find it especially helpful after the fast-paced flow of summer.

Let’s give it a shot.

Photographs of Memorable Moments:

Think back to some of the brightest moments of the last few months.

What were you doing? Who were you there with? What made it special?

Reflecting on key moments not only deepens our appreciation for those memories, but also grants us insight into how to create lasting moments in the future.

What feelings were present in your favorite memories of summer?

Seek experiences that give you more of that feeling.

This summer, a photographer friend of mine told me, “the best photos tell a story.”

While I don’t know exactly what story these images tell, I do know they hold some of my fondest memories from this summer.

As the saying goes, “A photograph is worth a thousand words.”

The simple act of revisiting old photos and/or editing your favorites can be an enriching experience. It certainly was for me.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures & moments from summer 2023.

Looking out on the Pacific, atop a fallen tree at La Push, Washington. Next to Olympic National Park, La Push is part of the Quileute Indian Reservation and carries a paradoxical sadness of the destruction that occurred with the beauty that remains.

Stillness at sunrise at the Jersey shore.

Celebrating on a Jersey City rooftop for my friend Nik’s bachelor party. Yes, he’s the one lifted in the air.

Following a hike in the Colorado Mountains, my friends & I met a local man in Ward, Colorado. He was dressed like a pirate, watching a pet wolf, and shared his life story with us. He eventually invited me to hold the spear that he crafted, leading to this a memorable photo (Thanks Tommy!)

Nadine & I at Lake Cresent of Olympic National Park. Taken during our sunrise drive to the Hoh Rainforest, we had no idea what the day had in store. Turned out to be the best day of the trip.

Throwing the rugby ball with my Dad & Tijmen, my cousin Annika’s fiancé, while conversing about the sport & its history.

Wearing one of my favorite outfits of all time alongside my friend Shahar. We’re at the Bharat, a pre-wedding parade, that included music, dancing, and the groom (Nik) coming in on a horse.

Dressed black-tie & smiling wide because I finished my wedding speech the night before and the bar was serving mango-jalapeño margaritas.

Questions I’m Pondering:

I started working with a somatic therapist in February, and we really found our stride this summer. Many of these questions came from him or emerged internally during our sessions together.

These questions have been instrumental for me navigating & growing this summer. Perhaps you’ll find them helpful as well.

  • What practices allow me to navigate stress gracefully?

  • How do I want to pivot my energy with the current circumstances?

  • What’s actually worth controlling? What’s worth surrendering to?

  • What if you completely took away the pressure for it to be anything?

  • What wants to come through, organically?

  • How can I bring more beauty to life?

Wins & Accomplishments:

What were your biggest victories from this summer?

Recognizing & celebrating these wins can significantly boost your confidence & momentum for the months to come.

🎉 Celebrating Two-Year Anniversary with Nadine: On August 11, 2021, Nadine and I had an atypical first date… stargazing in a thunderstorm. We immediately hit it off, and since then, our partnership has been a remarkable blend of beauty & ease, though not without its challenges. Two years of partnership together has been fun & rewarding in so many ways. It felt great to celebrate together with a paint & sip class in Margate NJ.

🐈‍⬛ Welcoming Luna: Although adopting a pet may not be considered an achievement per se, this feels important to mention because of all the good Luna has brought to our lives. Nadine & I adopted her in June, and I can confidently say her presence has made me more patient, present, playful, and loving.

You can learn more about her in this newsletter & catch a glimpse of her in the picture below.

🎤 I delivered my first public speech at my best friend’s wedding. Speaking to our memories together over the years was nourishing, and facing my fear of public speaking was immensely gratifying. I wrote about this experience (& some of the practices I used to prepare) during last week’s newsletter “Conquering Fear through Celebrating Love.”

🌕💰 During the last full moon of summer, I had a bi-annual review schedule with my boss and received news that I’d earned a raise due to strong performance. While I’m usually hesitant to talk about career or financial matters here (or in general), this raise puts me at a salary that I’d been dreaming of & working towards since graduating college. And I feel great & immensely grateful for that.

👏🏼 Whatever wins you saw this summer - however big or small - write them down.

Celebrate yourself for your efforts. It helps you build for the future.

Lessons Learned:

Every day, I try to write down a few lessons from the day. Maybe it’s something I heard on a podcast, read in a book, heard from a friend, or discovered during reflection.

It’s been a consistent practice for the last five years and it’s been invaluable towards my personal growth, healing, and overall fulfillment.

Here are the ten lessons I learned this summer. Some are my own, some are not.

  • The Opposite of Fear is Not Love, Trust Is.

  • Staying Curious is the Path to Healing.

  • To Do Challenging Things, We Need to Have a Felt Sense of Safety.

  • Seek Expansion Rather Than Existence.

  • The Opposite of Courage is Not Cowardice, it’s Conformity.

  • We Exist Relationally - Solitude is Not the State of Existence.

  • Connection Transforms Pleasure into Enjoyment.

  • The Only Controllable Thing That Matters is How We Make Meaning.

  • Success is Getting the Most Out of the Least.

  • Look For & Embrace the Magical Moments.

Newly Discovered Practices:

Since relocated from Philly to Bethlehem last February, I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the most significant benefit of this move: the opportunity to regularly connect with nature, particularly by putting my feet in the grass.

This practice, often referred to as grounding or earthing, involves making direct physical contact with the earth's surface, typically by walking barefoot.

The underlying idea is that connecting with the Earth's natural electrical charge can help balance the body's own electrical systems.

Throughout human history, this natural practice was the norm, as people walked barefoot on the Earth. It’s only in recent times, with the widespread use of rubber-soled shoes, that we’ve gradually disconnected ourselves from this age-old ritual.

Emerging scientific research is starting to reveal a range of health benefits associated with grounded. These include reducing pain, improving immunity, reducing inflammation, and promoting wound healing.

While there may not yet be a placebo-controlled study for this one, I can attest to the value of this practice over the past three months. It has made me feel more connected and at ease, serving as a simple, free, and profound way to rechange and find balance.

Were there any practices that you discovered this summer?

Summer Reading:

Summer is a great time for reading, and I’m always eager to discover fresh book recommendations.

Did you happen to come across any favorites this summer?

For me, “The Art of Contemplation” by Richard Rudd stood out.

Rudd is renowned as the creator of the Gene Keys, a system that combines elements of astrology, the I Ching, and the Kabbalah to help people explore their life’s purpose & enhance self-awareness.

In the “Art of Contemplation” he delves further into these concepts, offering valuable insights & practices in a concise yet potent format.

Rudd explains the art of contemplation through three-step process - pausing, pivoting, and merging - and demonstrates how it can create more ease in our lives.

Reading this book proved to be fascinating & illuminating, so it’s no surprise why the book’s subtitle is the “gentle path to wholeness & prosperity.”

Highly recommend.

Summer Tunes:

What were the 3-5 songs that you had on repeat this summer?

Here’s a few of mine.


During times of reflection, and truthfully, in most moments - I find it valuable to ground into the feeling of gratitude.

Gratitude has an extraordinary impact of our well-being, offering us an enhanced perspective on the events in our lives.

Personally, I’m thankful for so much.

I’m grateful for my health, the partnership I share with Nadine, our cat Luna, the enriching connections with family & friends, and the support of my workplace, to name a few.

Oh - and I’m grateful for you, reading this newsletter.

Therefore, let’s bring this newsletter to a close with the question.

As we wrap up summer 2023 - what are you most thankful for?

That’s it for this week. Thank you for reading.

Feel free to share anything that comes up for you.

Wishing you a great September ahead.
